25th Anniversary Appeal

Celebrating 25 years of charitable giving at
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

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Charitable funds at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust celebrated it’s 25th Anniversary at the start of 2022, so this was a year of celebration where Our Charity is raising funds for projects and equipment right across the NHS in Somerset!

Being able to deliver these projects and more will make a huge impact on services and patients and will support our NHS colleagues to continue to deliver excellent care to the people of Somerset during these challenging times; what a way to celebrate our 25th Anniversary!

Our former Charity Chair, Barbara Gregory, launched the Appeal and you can read her words about it here. We were also thrilled to announce, that over the 25 year history of Our Charity, we have raised a staggering £20 Million!

Hydro Pool Mural

25th Anniversary Update 2022

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Project List

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This year your donations will be supporting projects right across Somerset. From music therapy, to dementia support boxes, grants for NHS gardens and polos for our dedicated volunteers, there is so much to raise funds for. We need your help to raise the funds for these projects, from donating, to taking on a challenge, hosting an event or even putting us in touch with local groups and businesses, there are so many ways you can support! To see the full list of projects, click 'See More' below.

Our Projects
Love Musgrove - Ward 3
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How You Can Help!